Friday, July 3, 2009

Kollu Chutney

1. 1 Cup of kollu paruppu cooked for 3 whistles. Add some extra

water, so you have enough of the paruppu water for the rasam. Drain

the water out into a separate
container and save. Leave a little bit of the water maybe 2-3 tbsp so

the chutney is not too solidy.

2. 1/4 onion chopped roughly
3. 4 pods garlic
4. 2 red chillies
5. 1 tsp corriander seeds
6. 1/4 tsp cumin
7. 1/4" piece tamarind

Saute 2 thru 7 in a little bit of oil, and pour it over the paruppu

with salt.
Let it cool and blend roughly in a food processor or blender.

It should not be made into a smooth paste.