Friday, October 23, 2009

Vaazhaipoo Kola Urundai


Banana flower -1
Chutney dal/roasted chana dal-3/4 cup(powdered)
cashews-6 chopped finely
corainder leaves- a few chopped finely
onion- 1 chopped finely
salt to taste
oil for deep frying
To grind
green chillies-3 or acc to taste
poppy seeds- 1 tsp
cinnamon- 1 small piece
Saunf- 1/2 tsp
ginger - a small piece
garlic- 3 cloves chopped finely


Takeout the florets from the banana flower. Then remove the stamens from them. Get a clear idea of how to do it HERE. Chop the florets finely. Boil water in a pan and add salt and the florets.When the florets are cooked , drain them and squeeze them well to remove excess water.
Add the chutney dal powder to it and mix well. Add chopped onions, cashews,coriander leaves and the ground masala to the banana flower mixture. No need to add water. Make small balls and deep fry in hot oil.


  1. lovely recipe. I had a disaster making vazapoo once and that was the last, I decided not to make it anymore. I think I had to soak it in buttermilk to remove bitterness which I didnt and it was so bitter that my vazapoo usili went to trash

  2. Hi!
    This dish is very nice! urundais are lovely!Except banana all products of plantain will help reduce weight too!

  3. Wow what a name !!! Hey removing those stames is a big task, isn't it ? My ma used to do it but I have never tried. Great job you have done

  4. Never tried this dish but looks like a great snack.
