Thursday, October 8, 2009



8-10 ripe medium tomatoes, chopped or pureed
2 tsp mustard seeds
2 tsp red chilli powder (or to taste)
1/2 tsp asafoetida powder
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds, powdered (optional)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp coriander seeds, powdered
5-6 curry leaves
Salt to taste
2 tbsp oil


1. Heat the oil in a wide pan. Add the mustard seeds, cover, and let them pop - then put in the various powders, curry leaves and fry for 15-20 seconds on high.

2. Lower the heat and add the chopped/pureed tomatoes. Stir well to mix.

3. Bring the heat up to medium-high and cover the pan. Let the tomatoes cook in their own juices till they soften and break down.

4. Once the tomatoes are soft, take the lid off and let it cook, stirring occasionally, till the liquid evaporates and the sauce reduces to a thick paste.

5. Let the thokku cool, then store in a clean airtight jar in the refrigerator.


  1. love tomato thokku. Personally I like to add fenugreek powder. It tastes great in the thokku.

  2. i usually have dosas with a powder chutney i got. was thinking of trying out a coconut chutney for a change. So, it shall be tomato thohkku instead

  3. i usually have dosas with a powder chutney i got. was thinking of trying out a coconut chutney for a change. So, it shall be tomato thohkku instead

  4. nice blog.thanks for visiting mine. I have added u to my blogroll. Keep visiting

  5. i usually have dosas with a powder chutney i got. was thinking of trying out a coconut chutney for a change. So, it shall be tomato thohkku instead
